1- Treatment of many digestive problems
Mint is classified as a digested beverage and stimulates the body and digestive system to increase digestive enzyme secretions and salivary gland activity ، This helps in the digestion of food. On acidity, it relieves stomach cramps and eliminates bloating.
Mint is considered a frying food and is therefore known as an edible and is included in many cooking utensils.
It has been shown to play a role in the treatment of irritable bowel problems in both children and adults and in relieving symptoms.
2- Treatment of respiratory disorders
Peppermint leaves help relieve congestion in the nose, throat, bronchi and lungs and speed up the healing process, especially in colds and flu.
Several studies have shown the benefits of mint in the treatment of tuberculosis:
This herb has healing properties that help relieve asthma symptoms Mint has a very strong odor that helps open air passages and works to relax the breath That’s why it’s part of the inhaler industry.
Helps relieve coughing and sputum pulling out.
It has anti-inflammatory properties and also helps fight bacteria and relieve all respiratory infections.
It helps relieve pain and pain, especially stomach pain, muscles, and headaches.
Relieves nerves and helps calm down.
Helps relieve menstrual pain .
4. Fighting cancer
Some research has created the fact that some peppermint enzymes help prevent and treat cancer, especially prostate, skin, and lung cancer. Peppermint leaves are also rich in vitamin A and beta-carotene, which are very beneficial for maintaining eye health.
5. Depression
One of the benefits of peppermint is its smell, which is known as body relaxation, peace of mind, relieving it from stress and secreting it from what is known as the happiness hormone، “srotonin” helps, so it can treat depression and fatigue and relieve anxiety and stress.
6. Low blood pressure
Peppermint contains a good percentage of minerals necessary for the body ، Because it contains potassium, which balances the fluid in the body and relaxes blood vessels that regulate heart rate and lower blood pressure. Relieving the pain of peppermint drink generally helps to relieve pain, such as muscle pain, menstruation, cramping ، headaches and digestive pain help and are also used as a sedative.
7. Treatment of nausea
If you suffer from travel due to illness, as soon as you smell fresh mint leaves, this will help you avoid this problem ، It may also help those who suffer from chemotherapy-induced nausea.
Mint proved that it really helps pregnant women overcome morning sickness by activating the enzymes necessary for the digestion process .
Eating a few leaves each morning or inhaling the fragrance of peppermint leaves is a great way to deal with mothers during this difficult period.
8. Improving memory
Numerous studies have shown that breathing a strong mint fragrance helps improve memory and cognitive functions and increases alertness.
9- Strengthens and strengthens the body’s immunity
mint leaves contain many nutrients such as calcium, phosphorus, vitamin C D E and small amounts of vitamin B complex.
And all of these compounds help to strengthen and improve the immune system and prevent many infections and diseases.
10. Weight loss
Mint helps stabilize weight or lose weight for those who want to drink a glass of mint after eating a meal.It stimulates enzymes, especially when digested, which helps digest food, obtain nutrients, and burn fat by converting it into energy.
And since, as we already mentioned, mint is considered to be a catalyst for digestive enzymes that help to absorb nutrients from food ، Consuming fats and converting them into usable energy helps.
Therefore, mint may help in some way to stimulate better and faster body fat and thereby aid in weight loss .
11. Acne and facial acne treatment
Fresh peppermint leaves are useful for treating acne and facial pimples.
Mix fresh mint leaves with rose water and cut them off